Skull 'n Shamrock






    Pirate Day IV 

For Grog... For Plunder... For Play

Wild Geese (Irish Pub)

 2 Avenue Livingstone, 1000 Bruxelles (nearby Shuman square) Belgium.

Dear crews of damned pirates, Arrrrrrchaaaaafffftt (Spit on the floor).

To do what? Heuuuuu, to have one, or two, classes of milk? Noooooooo! Arrrrch pffffffft (shit! It's on my shoe !)  How to get dress? Haaaa, now we're talking! Please get a pirate gear (sword, hat, etc) So I'll see you, or not, but I'm going to have fun !!!!

Your devoted "Captain PfffffffT!"

Arrrggghhh  They be a weird bunch them Belgian Pirates!!


Dear Cap'tain Scarlet Moon,

Here are the pictures of the European Pirate Day 2004. We have the regret to say that nobody has been hanged, ceiling too low ! ... but a few were strangled !!!!!

Where there: Capt'ain Flushhhhhhhh, Capt'ai Moles Ted, Capt'ain WannaEatChips, Capt'ain Corset, Capt'ain KumFu, Capt'ain Lulu, Capt'ain Smile (see then pictures, you'll get that one without being there !), Capt'ain Didsky, and Capt'ain PfffffffT.

Excused from pirate day 2004, will be the for pirate day 2005: Capt'ain DAF, Capt'ain Pneu, Capt'ain Virago, and Capt'ain ReaLuc 

Thanks a lot for the gears, everybody had fun !!!!

Your devoted Cap'tain PfffffffT Arrrrccchh PFffffffffT  This is a really disgusting one ! Should have seen it! How is it possible to get something so ... out of ...

Thanks everybody, see you next ... week for ... The Mermaid day (Capt'ain Corset will be re-baptized !!!!)


Here be the pictures

Pirate-Europe-1.psd.jpg (175146 bytes)Pirate-Europe-2.psd.jpg (139805 bytes)Pirate-Europe-3.psd.jpg (96002 bytes)Pirate-Europe-4.psd.jpg (104836 bytes)Pirate-Europe-5.psd.jpg (112169 bytes)Pirate-Europe-6.psd.jpg (71089 bytes)Pirate-Europe-7.psd.jpg (116357 bytes)

Pirate of the Year - Catain Moles Ted aka Marc Gillis

POTY 04 - Captain Moles Ted aka Marc Gillis  Pirate Day IV Medals


Thanks to ESComp  

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